jueves, 21 de mayo de 2020


MAY 29/2020

Watch the following videos about Corona virus pandemic and its heathy safe care tips.  

Create a healthy habit presentation to take care of you and your family; YOU will create the presentation in power point, prezi, infographics, word , video or other plataform; then publish your presentation in your English Blog.

Quedarse en casa leyendo el concepto en el sofá | Vector Gratis

You could take pictures of your family, mother or father to create the presentation.

Family Stay At Home Concept. Three Children Holding Sign Saying ...


My family and me stay at home
When and How to Wash Your Hands | Handwashing | CDC

Handwashing - Clean Hands Save Lives | CDC

My family washes their hands for 20 seconds three times a dayAlexa, Wash my Hands! The fun way of Hand-washing

How To Wash Your Hands Properly – Family Medicine Center

Let´s wash your hands properly

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